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Search results for query #оприходование

1 answer
17.12.2023, 14:06
Error when adding an item to the cart in the Receipt section
When selecting a product from the drop-down list in the adding products form, an error appears. If you select a product in the pop-up window using...
0 replies
31.03.2023, 09:21
A posting in dollars is created from the order, although it should not be
We have several groups of buyers. One of them is wholesale customers. They have a separate price in the product card. Price in UAH (always was in U...
8 replies
13.03.2023, 14:11
Action work Return process content to warehouse
Explain how an action works in the following situation: - 2 items shipped in progress - one product was returned manually through the Warehouse...
1 answer
Personal license
23.10.2022, 13:36
Posting to a specific cell
There is an order to the supplier process https://senseeducation.1b.app/app/workflowtype-sklad/ it has a warehouse field for posting for posting to...
3 answer
26.09.2022, 10:39
Set purchase currency as default
Here https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/app/storage/process/incoming/ When you add a product, it is in UAH by default https://take.ms/HIwyjw , but yo...
2 answer
25.03.2022, 19:46
If you give up, we will take a pardon
Good day. https://crm.kupistul.ua/ one іz spіvrobіtnikіv in the case of the purchase of the goods, suddenly pressing - P_dtagnuti all the goods of ...
2 answer
27.01.2022, 10:01
Waiting for an invoice
Send an invoice for evaluation https://1b.app/ru/forum/business-processes/11848-pri-oprihodovanii-tovara-rezerv...
1 answer
13.01.2022, 18:01
Question about the exchange rate when posting
Process https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/customorder/zakaz-postavshchiku/2775637/edit/ in the process of goods 2 pieces at a price of 5 USD, while the e...
17 replies
11.01.2022, 15:16
Product import block not working
BP Posting, stage Order for posting. In the import block, I select a file to upload, select the required fields in the system to upload values (art...
3 answer
29.12.2021, 12:44
Date of posting and value of add. warehouse fields
Good afternoon! Please tell me 2 points about the warehouse: 1. How to copy the posting date of the goods in the add. process product field ? 2. Ho...

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