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Question about the exchange rate when posting

Process https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/customorder/zakaz-postavshchiku/2775637/edit/
in the process of goods 2 pieces at a price of 5 USD, while the exchange rate indicated in the same line 27 http://joxi.ru/BA0Y86vs1vDonr. Today, the rate of this currency in the system has changed and amounted to 28, but we receive the goods, assuming that the rate is 27 (in the table this rate), but for some reason in the posting operation 28 . Why?
Original question is available on version: ru


Good afternoon, by default, when posting, the exchange rate is taken as a system one. Some actions have settings to take the process currency rate. If you need to take the currency rate of the process product, you can check the checkbox in the posting action to make it happen. Takes 1h
20.01.2022, 16:23
Original comment available on version: ru

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