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Search results for query #не работает действие

15 replies
BAAs Dev.
18.11.2021, 20:40
Does not work: Set filter characteristics for the product based on Rozetka reference books
I have been using the directory of categories for Rozetka (With automation) for half a year. The other day I loaded two more reference books of Fil...
2 answer
11.07.2021, 09:41
Action "Reserve process content in warehouse" does not work
Good afternoon! At the stage New /admin/shop/workflowstatus/67/action/new/ there is an action "Reserve the contents of the process in the ware...
Set up BOX to show that the action did not work and the PSU is stuck at some of the stages.
How to see that the action did not work, that the BP is stuck at some of the stages? Can BOX report this? If so, what are the implementation option...
9 replies
12.03.2021, 13:57
Doesn't work automatically
We have a stage in the BP Customer order on which there is an action "Transfer to this stage if the new mail stage has changed. This action st...
4 answer
28.01.2021, 09:30
action not working correctly
Order http://crm.adparts.com.ua/admin/customorder/zakazi-avtodoktor/585640/edit/ stuck at the stage "Vehicle In Work, Waiting from supplier&qu...
1 answer
20.11.2020, 09:33
Action not working
In the task http://ukrpromspec.onebox-system.com/admin/customorder/prodazhi/118221/edit/ when going to the "Test" stage http://ukrpromspe...
2 answer
16.11.2020, 16:14
Action bug
Previously, we finalized the action "Set a business process for the purchase of products per employee" https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/...

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