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2 answer
09.10.2023, 11:00
Notification settings from the 1b.app website
Dear OneBox users and partners! You now have the opportunity to manage notifications from the 1b.app website. Now in your profile you can specify...
2 answer
26.07.2022, 17:41
Incorrect display of the table in the log
Here http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/apps/storage/datasource/Datasource_Storage_Motionlog/s... (pic 1) There is no "Products" item (Fig....
2 answer
17.06.2022, 13:08
Choosing a setting in automation for products (Evaluate refinement)
Here in action in automation there are such settings I need to set the quantity from I could specify from add. fields, since this is unique for ea...
1 answer
19.05.2022, 13:21
The problem of exporting goods to prom.ua
Hello! There are problems with exporting goods to prom.ua(xls) : The file contains incorrect links to product images Ошибка при импорте на Проме - ...
2 answer
11.02.2022, 13:49
link lifetime
We form links to payment wayforpay here https://ppikc.crm-onebox.com/app/workflow/14/procedure/59/ In what format should the setting be specified h...
2 answer
22.12.2021, 11:10
We don’t see half of the settings, it looks like there was an update last night and something went wrong
We do not see half of the settings here is how the procedures http://joxi.ru/J2bzk4lHq0l1Z2 look like, and even if you add it to the URL and go - y...
2 answer
01.10.2021, 18:22
The ability to change the position of the item at the fixed positions
It became possible for the speakers to get to the office to re-tighten the columns in the required order, as was the case for MVP Now, in order to ...
1 answer
The setup block does not open. OneBox OS
Settings item does not open on the page https://crm.phdcare.com.ua/app/report/desiner/20/ "Table of payment amounts and number of processes i...
12 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
10.08.2021, 15:51
OS - Add notification settings
MVP had this setting https://take.ms/GUXjo Can I add it to the OS here https://psrok.crm-onebox.com/app/employer/2/emp/settings/ ? It helps quite a...
8 replies
OS - Save item in UX settings and product tables
In Onebox OS, in the settings of the UX and the product table, the Save panel is located at the very bottom of the list of fields . Can it be fixe...

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