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How to get an answer in this forum?????

Good afternoon!
Can anyone explain how the distribution of questions in this forum generally occurs??
I created a question STILL 06/30 (!!!!!!!!!!), the answer of which directly depends on the developers of Boxing. I need data on the transfer to Opencart in order to understand the principle of data transfer and solve the problem, NEITHER I, NOR SUPPORT HAVE access to this data !!!
What the hell is the difficulty in providing the necessary data?
And why is the question that was created on 30.06 - hanging, and those that were created yesterday, the day before yesterday, then they receive answers to them day in and day out ???
Give some explanation!
What is the problem and what is the essence of this forum, if you get an answer here - it's like in a lottery - lucky / unlucky ?????
Why do you have to wait a month and a half (!!!!!!!) to deal with the problem?
I also contacted paid support, I'm waiting for an answer to the same question for a week and a half.
The second question was
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When you create a ticket, you check the box
Read it and get the answer to your question
12.08.2022, 10:55
https://qube-soft.com/ crm erp onebox qubesoft внедрение аналитика 1с интегратор Original comment available on version: ru

I saw it.
But I have one question - what does it depend on, what questions are answered, which ones are not ???
What principle? Should he be?
12.08.2022, 11:00
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And I just have one question - I turn to partners for money, and then they turn to you with the same question. So what's the point? why not answer directly?
12.08.2022, 11:01
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Leave a message in this thread and the user's contacts will be shown to you
It is possible that the partners will clearly formulate the task and the question. And as a result, they will not ask an additional 3 more questions for an answer.
12.08.2022, 11:14
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I have a clear question that needs a clear answer.
From which I will understand what the problem is.
12.08.2022, 11:18
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Good afternoon.
No one has any regulations how, when, to what extent to answer what questions. Personally, I answer the question if the answer requires a few minutes of time or I have > hours of free working time (this happens very rarely). If you contacted some kind of paid support that did not solve your issue, then this is some kind of strange support (personal opinion).
I can offer a service in the form of answers to all your questions within a few working days. The scheme is very simple: you ask the questions you need and tag me in the topic with a comment that the topic is paid, I understand that the time spent on the answer will be compensated and I spend this time answering your question. After solving your question, I issue an invoice for payment for the services provided at a rate of $ 40 per hour spent searching for an answer or solving a problem. The difference between this approach and the support that you are now ordering somewhere is that I am a OneBox developer, i.e. I can give you answers to 99% of your boxing inquiries.
Such a service in the form of paid topics will soon appear on the forum, but when it is not yet clear exactly, therefore, unfortunately, such a mechanism has not been implemented right inside the forum.
12.08.2022, 11:44
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12.08.2022, 12:54
«Один юрист із портфелем у руках награбує більше, ніж банда автоматників» Original comment available on version: ru

Dear Natalia,

OneBox does not have technical support. It is provided by partners according to their own rules, ideas and tariffs. Someone makes support for their projects free, someone paid. The forum is simply a platform that OneBox has provided to partners and customers so that they can discuss any issue. When you ask a question on the forum, other clients or partners who want to answer you answer. OneBox does not oblige them to answer, does not regulate answers in any way, and does not regulate the timing of answers in any way.

To answer your question: yes, the forum is a lottery. Who wants to - he will answer.
OneBox has no paid support: if you turned to some company that took money from you and answered for a long time, then you still have a choice - partners who will be happy to help you a lot, here is the list - https:// 1b.app/ru/partner/search/
Anticipating a possible question from you and other users: "I pay money for software, why does it not have technical support?" - I want to answer right away: you pay a little bit of money for software (rent), for the creation of which a lot of money was spent. The item "technical support" is not involved in this transaction.
Technical support can be included in the price of the product only if the product is technically simple and does not contain integrations with third-party services in this price.
12.08.2022, 22:18
Как со мной связаться - никак :)
Задавайте вопросы на форуме публично - и я отвечу.
Подробнее - https://1b.app/ru/user/11/
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Good day, but see the technical trims. If bugs are blamed in the PZ itself, and the retailer ignores the tickets for their variances, it doesn’t add any pluses in front of the most important clients and possible future ones. Abo, like in the first request for a ticket.
19.08.2022, 12:28
Original comment available on version: ru

Yes, that's what I meant. It seems to me that it is still necessary to separate questions on the forum - into technical and more consultative.
And to the questions of the technical plan to make the answers guaranteed within a certain period of time.
Technical questions are those where information from Boxing is needed. Since neither I nor paid technical support have access to it, the codes are closed from everyone by the developer. There is also no documentation for the same integrations (although I may be wrong, maybe it is available, I just don't know it?).
And when you need information for third-party integrations - what is transferred, where it is transferred and whether it is transferred at all, updated / not updated, you must contact the developer in any case to get the initial data. Based on these data, we can independently understand: 1. this is some kind of bug on the part of boxing 2. this is a flaw in third-party integration on our part 3. this is not provided by Boxing, you need to order a revision.
Those. it turns out that due to the fact that we simply do not have the initial data, we are forced to turn to technical support. And given that there is no guarantee of getting an answer here, we write a question asking paid support to get this data, and paid support again turns to you to get this data, because. they don't have that information either.
If there were documentation with some minimal initial data in the public domain, in fact, you wouldn’t have to go anywhere at all, and those who can use this data on their own would understand the reasons. (not the whole code, it is not needed, but simply, with minimal data: a field such and such is transmitted / updated, a field such and such is transmitted / not updated. What is not found in the list means this field is not transmitted, and is not updated) Well, if this data is already insufficient to determine the cause, contact technical support (at your discretion, wait for an answer on the forum with luck / no luck, or immediately to paid technical support)
It also applies to the technical point - when 100% should work, and previously worked, and then at one moment - bang and stopped. Again, there is no access to codes and data to independently see if everything works. This is again a forced appeal to technical support due to the fact that we ourselves cannot see it.
When it comes to some consulting issues on the forum that relate to internal business processes, automation, etc., everything is ok, at the discretion of everyone - either write on the forum and hope for good luck, or immediately contact paid support, because there, indeed, everything is very individual, as they say "there is no food here."
And on technical issues, which mainly relate to third-party integrations, it turns out that the data was closed from us, and we are forced to buy it. Although, I repeat, many users could figure out what is the reason when something does not work somewhere, if there was data from which they could build on. But we don't have them. Dilemma. Or do they exist? I just didn't see...
19.08.2022, 13:05
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Natalia wrote:
Yes, that's what I meant. It seems to me that it is still necessary to separate questions on the forum - into technical and more consultative.
And to the questions of the technical plan to make the answers guaranteed within a certain period of time.

Natalia, good afternoon!
I have two questions for you:
1. Have you read this article?
It tells how everything in OneBox is organized in organizational terms and what a forum is and why it is like that.
2. You offer to make OneBox'y technical support in a guaranteed response time.
I have a counter question for you: are you ready to provide your credit card details (CREDIT!) so that if you contact such support, $ 30-40 is automatically deducted from it and after that the partner’s specialist immediately rushes to solve your issue. Even if it turns out to be just a matter of 2 minutes.
Without trading in the spirit of "you first help, and then I will decide to pay or not."
If no one is ready for such a scheme, then everything remains as described in the article https://1b.app/ru/forum/onebox-official-news/14252-pro-model-workoti-onebox-part...
Thank you.
20.08.2022, 19:31
Как со мной связаться - никак :)
Задавайте вопросы на форуме публично - и я отвечу.
Подробнее - https://1b.app/ru/user/11/
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Good afternoon!
I wrote about something else above.
I say right away, read the text further with a calm intonation, I write it, like the last answer, without pretensions, without indignation, completely calmly and measuredly. I just want to understand a moment that is incomprehensible to me. I already read the post to which they sent me a link, but there is no answer to my question.
The fact that there is no guarantee on the forum to get answers to questions, I agree with this, I wrote about it. And that in this system, only ONE moment confuses, to which I did not receive an answer, and to which I devoted the entire previous answer. I am interested in questions for which, in fact, I do not need forum support, but I need the developer directly. It’s just that we don’t have another way to directly ask the developer a question of interest, so we have to write here.
What should I do with the data that I need in order to be able to independently determine the cause of the data transfer problem in third-party integrations without involving technical support or forum support? For example, we set up integration with 1C, we have a request link by which we can see whether data is being transmitted or not, and what data is being transmitted. If they are not transmitted, we did not torment technical support with questions - why is it not transmitted, but can it be transmitted at all? We simply followed the link, opened the data transfer code and saw that the field was not transmitted by default, and immediately wrote to the manager with a request "please issue an invoice for revision, this field needs to be transmitted." And it made the integration setup so much easier, the pace of setup was different, since everything was like "on the palm of your hand", accessible and understandable. In the course of setting up integration with 1s, we still turned to paid technical support, since, of course, questions arose, but they were more about internal business processes, internal automations. And I NEVER wrote such questions on the Forum, I always addressed them and turn to paid support, because it is more reliable and faster.
Now we are faced with a moment in integration with Opencart, and because of it, it turns out, I wrote this question on the forum. We have added the Ukrainian version for the site. Filter data in Ukrainian was not displayed on the site. I reviewed all the tables in opencart - everything is filled out, but only in Russian (for both Ukrainian and Russian languages). Here the question arose - why? Is this a boxing bug? Or data for the second language should not be transmitted by default? Since I don’t have documentation on transferring opencart data, I don’t have access to the code, I can’t study the reason on my own (as it can be done in integration with 1C), I HAVE to write here to find out if data is transferred in Ukrainian at all. They answered me that yes, they are transmitted, but not updated if the fields are already filled in (and they were filled in Russian for the first upload, when there was no Ukrainian version yet).
Could I know this without contacting the developer? - Not..
Could I not NOT contact tech support if I had documentation with information or access to the code, fields for the 2nd language are transferred or updated? Yes, I wouldn't apply. Rather, I applied, but immediately with a request for improvement.
Those. I am interested in not making any questions guaranteed, I repeat once again, namely those where you simply ask to receive data that is closed from us. Example: "Need initial data. Is the "хххх" field passed to opencart? If so, which table is passed to by default?" And these questions, in fact, are addressed to the developer.
I hope that you understand what I wrote about ... I have a request to help in this particular issue. How can you get data that is closed from us in a simpler way, for this, in fact, you don’t need a forum or technical support, you only need a developer who stores this data (so that you can get answers almost "Yes / No" - Good afternoon, Is the field "xxxx" in the integration "yyy" being transferred/updated? - Yes/No), i.e. questions like "developer only", so that they can even not be published on the forum, this applies only to the user and the developer. And in the last answer, I wrote that there was a chance and opportunity to ask such questions directly from the developer and 100% get an answer to questions of a similar plan, to single them out as a separate subgroup or something. This will not be a study of the problem, it will simply be the provision of initial data that we ourselves cannot see, unfortunately. I am sure this would make it easier and faster for many to set up third-party integrations. Is it even possible, at least theoretically, at least in some distant future, to implement? Give a chance to get answers to questions like this. Is it possible to come up with something with this? Not immediately, after a while, when it will be possible to implement it, well, or make documentation with some minimal data for integrations, what is transferred and where.
21.08.2022, 12:44
Original comment available on version: ru

Natalia, good evening!
Thanks for your comment, I'll try to answer to the point.

The fact that there is no guarantee on the forum to get answers to questions, I agree with this, I wrote about it. And that in this system, only ONE moment confuses, to which I did not receive an answer, and to which I devoted the entire previous answer. I am interested in questions for which, in fact, I do not need forum support, but I need the developer directly. It’s just that we don’t have another way to directly ask the developer a question of interest, so we have to write here.

You still divide tasks into "this is only for the developer, and this is support, and this is consultation, and this is for the manager, etc."
I understand why. Because it was like that before and you got used to it.
But now the structure is completely different: you always work with some OneBox partner, in your case it is "OneBox CORP" - https://1b.app/ua/partner/onebox-corp/
This is such a company and it is NOT OneBox. You pay money for software to this company, and they support you.
And you can ask them, you can ask on the forum.

Those. I am interested in not making any questions guaranteed, I repeat once again, namely those where you simply ask to receive data that is closed from us. Example: "Need initial data. Is the "хххх" field passed to opencart? If so, which table is passed to by default?" And these questions, in fact, are addressed to the developer.

Do not take it for rudeness, here is a specific plan for solving your problem:
1. call/write here https://1b.app/ua/partner/onebox-corp/ and ask the question "I am your client. I have a need to improve / configure integration with opencart, can you help me?"
2. in response you will receive "yes, tell me the details"
3. after that, you will somehow agree on the terms of payment and solve your problem.
Right now, none of the partners answers your question, most likely because:
1. it requires at least a couple of hours of coding, and no one pays for it.
2. Integration of two systems is always a difficult task, where something constantly breaks down.
3. your mvp system, and this imposes restrictions.
21.08.2022, 22:18
Как со мной связаться - никак :)
Задавайте вопросы на форуме публично - и я отвечу.
Подробнее - https://1b.app/ru/user/11/
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And what about bugs? When the same functionality does not work when moving to different stages, as in my ticket https://1b.app/ru/forum/management-of-business-processes-orders-and-tasks/15373-... kalendare-ne-otkrivaetsya-snova-pri-perehode-na-etap/
There are no settings, instructions, documentation.
No one is answering on the forum. The integrator tried to help, but did not work. Should I ask my partner to ask the same question on the forum for money? Will you answer him? Why not answer me?
I get the impression that I just don't want to admit the problem and fix it. Or explain why when you go to one stage, the window reopens, but the same does not open on the next.
07.10.2022, 16:23
Original comment available on version: ru

1. Please read the post above, it describes your situation perfectly.
Just substitute your question instead of "opencart".

Miroshnichenko Maxim wrote:
Do not take it for rudeness, here is a specific plan for solving your problem:
1. call/write here https://1b.app/ua/partner/onebox-corp/ and ask the question "I am your client. I have a need to improve / configure integration with opencart, can you help me?"
2. in response you will receive "yes, tell me the details"
3. after that, you will somehow agree on the terms of payment and solve your problem.
Right now, none of the partners answers your question, most likely because:
1. it requires at least a couple of hours of coding, and no one pays for it.
2. Integration of two systems is always a difficult task, where something constantly breaks down.
3. your mvp system, and this imposes restrictions.

In your case, there are restrictions in the form:
- the question requires at least a couple of hours of digging in the code, and no one covers it with money.
- your mvp system, and this imposes restrictions.
2. please read the information at the link https://1b.app/ru/forum/onebox-official-news/14252-pro-model-workoti-onebox-part...
There are no internal OneBox programmers, only partner companies. And the business of partners is to sell licenses (clouds and keys), as well as finishes and settings for money.
Therefore, you should not expect someone to help you for free, just because no one is interested:
- you are on mvp, and this is already an old system
- you do not pay money to anyone, so no partner is interested in keeping everything working for you. That is, you do not have leverage over OneBox and any partner.
- I am also not interested in helping and compensating for costs, because you do not switch to OS. I don't invest in MVP.
- plus earlier you didn’t behave very well in communication =)
07.10.2022, 21:32
Как со мной связаться - никак :)
Задавайте вопросы на форуме публично - и я отвечу.
Подробнее - https://1b.app/ru/user/11/
Original comment available on version: ru

Those. Have you completely closed the issue of free bug fixes for yourself?
MVP support, according to you, has not yet been terminated, why is the question completely ignored?

OneBox production wrote:
i am a OneBox developer i.e. I can give you answers to 99% of your boxing inquiries.

There are developers from whom I would like to receive an answer regarding the reason for such a functional work.
I'm planning the transition to OS and monitor the functionality that we use. And this problem is present in the OS.
So pay attention to this problem and give an answer.
08.10.2022, 10:47
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Farkhshatov Rodion wrote:
There are developers from whom I would like to receive an answer regarding the reason for such a functional work.

I understand correctly that you are ready to cover the time spent on solving your issue?
08.10.2022, 14:00
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If this is a bug, then no, since when do they fix it for a fee? MVP according to your company is still supported.
If this is not a bug, and I (and integrators) do not see the setting of this functionality, then there should be documentation or a training video.
If there is a need for improvement, then give an assessment, and I will make a decision. But I do not understand why the functionality now works when moving to one stage, and does not work when moving to another. Please explain.
11.10.2022, 14:10
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Please join the conversation. If you have something to say - please write a comment. You will need a mobile phone and an SMS code for identification to enter. Log in and comment