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Import price lists from email

Hello! It is necessary to improve the import of price lists from e-mail. The client receives price lists in xls format. Is such an improvement possible? What time is it?
Original question is available on version: ru


Суханіцький Андрій OneBox CORP
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
Previously, I clarified about the universal action 2015460912, which will allow you to move a file from mail to the desired folder, and then use any loader, be it a price list, account statement or process import.
______________________________ This is the TK
Letters with account statements or rights come to the post office.
It is necessary to copy the statement data (attachments) to another folder on the server, to which access via FTP will be configured and then by an automatic action to download the statement, the statement itself will be imported as payments.
This logic can be applied to other imports, the most important thing is to move the file to the desired folder.
It is the attachments that need to be moved, that is, the letter may contain such a file that does not need to be moved.
Also, if possible, then make a setting to change the name of the file, if necessary
______________________________This is the answer
I can only suggest an automatic action that COPY (namely, copy, do not move, so as not to change the path of the file system) will be on the specified path attachment files by events (for certain mail, for example, we can add filtering by topic)
and then delete yourself after processing the statement from the new folder and that's it
such an action (taking into account that there will be settings "from whom / to whom / the theme contains / types of files to copy / local path") - 5 hours
_____________________________ I would make an adjustment
Take not only a local folder, but also the ability to specify FTP access to a folder on another server.
30.06.2021, 11:19
Original comment available on version: ru

The option to ftp or a local folder, and then to the bootloader is acceptable. And if such functionality as in the action "Extract data from email attachment files", but upload products to suppliers' price lists? It is the refinement of such an action? As much as possible?
30.06.2021, 12:00
Original comment available on version: ru

Суханіцький Андрій OneBox CORP
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license

Certified Partner
Olmonic wrote:
The option to ftp or a local folder, and then to the bootloader is acceptable. And if such functionality as in the action "Extract data from email attachment files", but upload products to suppliers' price lists? It is the refinement of such an action? As much as possible?

I'm not a developer, I can't rate you, but I can say that it's possible, only it will be a less applicable option and only for importing prices.
This action will copy files from attachments to the desired folder, and then you can set the action "Download and process supplier price", where you can select this FTP - this is exactly what you need
30.06.2021, 12:32
Original comment available on version: ru

I'm waiting for a response from the developers. Thanks
30.06.2021, 21:14
Original comment available on version: ru

I can only suggest an automatic action that COPY (namely, copy, do not move, so as not to change the path of the file system) will be on the specified path attachment files by events (for certain mail, for example, we can add filtering by topic)
and then delete yourself after processing the statement from the new folder and that's it
such an action (taking into account that there will be settings "from whom / to whom / the theme contains / types of files to copy / local path") - 5 hours

I still stick with this option.
Why? Yes, because it will allow you to move from the event to the desired local folder and operate with it as needed (while leaving the original in the event) - it will be loading suppliers, or products, or contacts, or payments - everything that can be loaded from a local folder . This is more universal than doing an action specifically for 1 operation - and after it doing the second for another operation, when both would be solved by the above action.
Modify the action so that it does not move files locally, but to the specified FTP server - this is +1 hour to the above estimate.
01.07.2021, 15:26
Original comment available on version: ru

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