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The automatic action does not work, will turn the Instagram Direct message into a process

I made the settings from the video, messages enter the system https://senseeducation.1b.app/app/instagram-direct/, turn into chat https://senseeducation.1b.app/app/chat/?id=1, but not a process is created from an action, and the message does not even fall into the process https://senseeducation.1b.app/148/ , which was created by an action from the chat
Original question is available on version: ua


The process should be created here
23.10.2022, 19:13
Original comment available on version: ua

It should be fine with new messages
24.10.2022, 10:48
Original comment available on version: ua

OneBox production wrote:
It should be fine with new messages

great, thank you, it works
but now a new problem: created a process, for example https://senseeducation.1b.app/239/
went through the funnel, moved to the B2C stage https://senseeducation.1b.app/admin/shop/workflowstatus/14/action/new/ , the action created a B2C subprocess, processing of leads is closed. After these actions, if you write in the name of the client, the messages are correctly dragged into the necessary process , everything is ok.
But I can't answer from this process, I write an answer - I click save and nothing happens
At the same time, it is possible to write from the parent process (processing of leads in which contact occurred). Before the bug was fixed, it was possible to write to the client from any process.
I also attach automation settings
25.10.2022, 23:05
Original comment available on version: ua

Leave a message in this thread and the user's contacts will be shown to you

Consulting company "Sales Bureau" wrote:
but now there is a new problem

created a separate topic https://1b.app/ua/forum/integrations-with-messengers/15651-bag-ne-otpravlyaet-so...
25.10.2022, 23:15
Original comment available on version: ua

The correction did not affect the sending of messages, only the creation of a process from a new message
26.10.2022, 10:39
Original comment available on version: ua

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