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Search results for query #380937713353

displaying information about the number of reserved products
Now this can be seen through the warehouse, but is it possible to display this information in the Business Process in a table about the product htt...
15 replies
Please tell me, when RECOUNTING https://drevojelaniy.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/storage/stocktaking/?storagefromi... We throw go...
Lifo-fifo (accounting)
Can you please tell me how sales are recorded according to the "lifo-fifo" system? Question: On Tuesday, we conditionally receive goods f...
How to link consumables to an order?
For example, a client ordered a protective glass from us, I need that when writing off the quantity to the goods, the components for the glasses ar...
1 answer
Landscape Document Orientation
Hello! Tell me how to always make the document layout landscape? For download, for printing. In customizing the document template, "Set your p...
2 answer
27.09.2020, 16:55
Receipt of goods at a warehouse with a different price
Good afternoon! For example, with a small balance of goods in the warehouse, the goods are bought in addition, but it is possible that it will be w...
8 replies
Default wallet in payments
Good afternoon! In payments, the Kassa wallet is installed by default and I have to change it every time to the one I need. Sometimes I forget to d...
13 replies
24.09.2020, 13:45
XML for google shopping
Good day, tell me what's wrong http://joxi.ru/1A5KjO1Ib0gznm
automatic creation of an order with a unique incoming call
Hello, is it possible to make a new request instantly created with a unique incoming call? This is implemented in many SRMs. Now we use Ringostat t...
3 answer
Add hundredths of .00 to prices in documents
Please tell me how to display numbers with hundredths .00 in documents There is a setting in business process tables, but I did not find it for doc...

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