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Search results for query #бэкап

7 replies
Personal license
26.12.2022, 11:41
Can't get a backup
The client "data rate" is paid on time https://senseeducation.1b.app/
5 replies
BAAs Dev.
31.10.2022, 12:17
Restoring from backup
I ask you to restore from the backup the Products (all information about them) that was before 10/31/22 until 8 am Massively changed important data...
7 replies
Personal license
23.09.2022, 16:19
Backups and file safety
It's about this vanbox https://chekhol.com.ua Purpose: to secure data and have your own backup if the server and all the information on it cras...
4 answer
Backup creation not working
Good afternoon! We do not find a backup along the path /opt/mysql_backup Box: https://crm.rsrussia.ru/admin/ For the second box, backups are create...
4 answer
04.10.2021, 11:12
Backup of goods
Accidentally deleted goods from vanbox, then restored. But suppliers have fled and the minimum reserves can be restored. And it will not affect the...
Have a backup?
Client: shoescool.crm-onebox.com wants to get back to work and restore boxing. Do we have a backup? Can we restore this box with the data and setti...
10 replies
12.08.2021, 13:46
Writing backups to a separate storage
Good afternoon. Please evaluate the setting of copying backups to a separate storage. https://gmhost.com.ua/service/backup Access to the storage wa...
SOS! Roll back the system
Good afternoon! filtered products by one warehouse, and clicked the cancel all reserves button implying that the reserves will be canceled only in ...
Please tell me if we have automatic backups configured?
http://agency.crm-onebox.com/cc/ Good afternoon! Where do we store backups? How to see?
1 answer
System backup
Do we have a backup on box.tantum.com.ua?

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