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Search results for query #этапы

7 replies
03.01.2024, 13:37
Stage switching
Good afternoon. Tell me how to implement stage switching if the payment deadline has passed? There is a stage "Deferred payment", at this stage the...
10 replies
06.08.2023, 22:55
Evaluation of revision Hiding some milestones in the History of milestones
There are stages that are used to check conditions and perform some action, and at which the process does not stop. It is necessary to make a set...
1 answer
06.10.2022, 10:46
It does not search for products in the process, it is not possible to change the stage, the names of the fields in the filters have disappeared
https://rivcont.info/desktop/ 1. Open "orders" https://rivcont.info/app/workflowtype-order/ - (field names are missing) 2. Open "or...
7 replies
16.08.2022, 11:45
Automatic transfer to another BP stage
Good afternoon. Please tell me how to set up an action to automatically transfer the BP if the status of the BP does not change for some time, for ...
3 answer
20.09.2021, 17:54
OS - OneBox does not perform actions in BP stages
Continuing the topic https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/other/8048-bag-s-etapami--ne-otobrazhayutsya-v... The problem reappea...
The status does not automatically switch to the status of sending new mail. OneBox OS
For example order https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/275805/ The order hangs in the status "Drop in branch" (Fig. 1) Although the status o...
3 answer
OS - improvement in setting up actions at the stages of BP
Now, on the stages settings in Business Processes, it is possible to copy actions . Please add the ability to copy the action, but with the settin...
Not working
This action does not jump to the desired stage. Here is the link to order https://feshemebel.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/zamovlennya-postachal...
3 answer
Do not jump stages with the help of auto. actions "Move business process to this stage if the new mail stage has changed"
Is it possible to make the auth. the action "Move business process to this stage if the new mail stage has changed" did not jump through ...
16 replies
03.04.2021, 15:19
Bug with stages / are not displayed in the history, do not work out
https://rivcont.info/admin/ Process https://rivcont.info/admin/customorder/order/1493136/edit/ BP https://rivcont.info/admin/shop/workflow/131/cons...

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