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Search results for query #универсальный импорт продуктов

2 answer
13.10.2023, 12:32
The settings for Universal product import (xml/json) are lost
Hello. Today I discovered several empty actions “Universal product import (xml/json)” and missing settings for some suppliers. Is it possible to re...
5 replies
14.02.2023, 11:30
universal product import XML field description ( description ) pulls into the product card incorrectly
Universal product import XML field description ( description ) pulls into the product card incorrectly, namely, it imports not as text, but as code...
Product images are not loaded with "Universal xml product import"
Good afternoon. Previously, "Universal import of xml products" was configured. I am uploading a file from an external source. Image, desc...
5 replies
Generic Products Import (xml/json) throws an error
Universal import of products (xml / json) in this action gives an error that there is a problem with the file, although the file works and everythi...
1 answer
11.07.2022, 09:03
How to properly configure the Universal Import of Products (xml / json) so that only in-stock products are pulled up
How to properly configure the Universal Import of Products (xml / json) so that only in-stock products are pulled up now pulls up and the product w...
3 answer
20.06.2022, 16:31
Loading categories by automatic action "Generic product import (xml/json)"
Good afternoon. When loading products using the "Universal Products Import (xml/json)" action, the products were loaded correctly, but: 1...
5 replies
05.06.2022, 15:59
Universal product import (xml/json) parameters
How to load param and picture fields in CRM from xml file
13 replies
01.04.2022, 13:00
Universal product import stopped working (xml/json)
Hello. There was a problem, in the universal import it swears at the link with the file (The file is located on the wrong path or is empty, not ava...
1 answer
Universal import of products (xml/json) field from xml file to Box's additional field
Tell me, is it possible to link the <price> field with the OneBox additional field for import from the xml file? The essence of import: in ad...
4 answer
BAAs Dev.
03.11.2021, 14:23
STOP WORKING: Generic Products Import (xml/json)
I noticed that automation by the hourly krone stopped working Generic product import (xml/json) I ran into the problem of the availability and corr...

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