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Search results for query #телеграм

1 answer
28.02.2024, 09:29
How to send a message to several groups using a Telegram bot?
There is a bot created through BotFather There are many groups to which you need to send the same message. How to do it?
messages are not being downloaded
Good day, Configured the application according to the instructions: https://1b.app/ru/vnutrennie-produkti-onebox/2021/03/30/integratsiya-telegram-s....
8 replies
01.12.2023, 13:59
Subscribe to the bot from the client's account.
Good day. Such a task: It is necessary for the client to be able to subscribe to the Telegram bot from the client's one box account, and this was s...
1 answer
03.11.2023, 14:49
Push notifications
You need to receive push notifications for messages that come from the messenger. They say that there is no such functionality.
2 answer
26.07.2023, 14:45
Telegram not connecting
I connected the token, turned on the webhook, set automatic actions once a minute. Telegram messages are not coming. https://fckryvbas.1b.app
1 answer
26.07.2023, 13:44
Sending images to telegram
When I try to send an image via telegram, it gives an error. In this case, the incoming images are displayed and opened. Please tell me what th...
Automation from Telegram
How to solve the problem? The procedure with automation "Send a Telegram message" works well in the first BP, which is assigned in the chat with th...
The employee's telegram bot does not receive content from the order
Good afternoon. When adding goods from a certain group to an order, the employee’s tg-bot does not receive the quantity of goods from this group ht...
3 answer
12.04.2023, 13:07
The action Check for a comment in the process and switch the stage does not work
Does not switch the stage after checking for a comment. I tried all the options for setting the checkboxes in action. Tried comment options: /st...
You have a typo in the description of the telegram
I attached the photo

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