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Search results for query #сотрудник

16 replies
03.08.2023, 18:30
The table of total payments does not take into account processes for which the person responsible is no longer an employee
The employee no longer works, and the orders for which he was responsible are now not taken into account on the dashboard in the Table of total pay...
10 replies
Error 500 when sending the login and password to the employee
Error 500 when sending the login and password to the employee, tried to provide access with the registered password, but still does not let the emp...
New employee not added
Why can't I add an employee? Screenshot attached https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/ I click add and nothing happens
1 answer
Kick an employee out of the system
We have 1 license for a box (test) http://box.os.generator.ua/desktop/ and we don't know who came Accordingly, since we cannot throw out licens...
1 answer
11.03.2021, 14:47
How to switch the stage of a business process after N time, but taking into account the work schedule
There is an action "Switch stage after N time". You can even do two: set the stage time + jump after the stage time. But how can the syst...
4 answer
09.02.2021, 10:14
after updating in the comment feed, the letter to the client, the user says "content is not available"
Hello. After updating to MVP in the comments feed, the user's letter to the client says "content is not available" Under the rights o...
Employee access rights
Good afternoon, here is the employee card https://crm.ohholding.com.ua/admin/shop/users/13143/ вот что вижу я со своей учетки в разделе https://crm...
1 answer
How to hide all outgoing payments from an employee so that he can only see incoming payments
How to hide all outgoing payments from an employee so that he can only see incoming payments
4 answer
19.11.2020, 12:42
New employee
Added a new employee, access rights: employee) https://prnt.sc/vm2tgw in the structure I see only his role, the employee himself is not https://prn...
1 answer
How to set up automation in the following situation: The employee has a rate. Automated calculation of this rate every month is set up. There was a...

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