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Search results for query #событие

8 replies
Evaluation of completion "Write line from event to additional process field"
https://box.ltec.com.ua/desktop/ You need an action in automation for contacts. Contact example https://box.ltec.com.ua/app/contact/14064/ Creation...
3 answer
28.01.2022, 07:32
OS - Question - Can an action remove an event?
How can I remove an event from a process? That is, I need to delete the process and everything connected with it, or a separate event that is assoc...
2 answer
Can we make the operation of creating a process from an event faster?
Now, to create a process from an event, you need to make a lot of clicks. Can we refine the setting within which it will be possible to immediately...
1 answer
My events clear
2. My events. The event counter in the menu on the left shows constantly 1313, a lot of events have accumulated. Automatic action once a day: Clear...
8 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
16.02.2021, 14:06
Setting a task by a comment in an event
We have an event with a comment We set up an action: Create a task after adding a comment to an event We expected that the task will be automatic...
1 answer
27.01.2021, 15:55
In the process creation events
There is an email event https://hte.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/event/1837/ The client wrote to the company's mail, that is, the client wrote to ...
1 answer
14.01.2021, 12:32
Evaluate the revision in the Recent client events block
https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/ There is a block Recent client events in the process https://prnt.sc/wnasxa If this is a Call event type, you need...
2 answer
Personal license
12.01.2021, 13:34
Vіdіslanі leaves melt prihovanі in "My podіyah"
Good day! Lists, in boxing, are marked as attachments in "My Podiya": https://prnt.sc/wlqsrc https://gnp.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/report...
7 replies
13.11.2020, 16:37
sending emails from Events
Letters from My events are not sent, although the report says that it was sent. Emails are sent by action, but end up in spam
8 replies
cancel sending SMS
http://prntscr.com/uw5tuz the event is delayed by an hour. how to delete it so that sms is not sent

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