Link copied -

Search results for query #связывание товаров

5 replies
02.03.2023, 12:48
There is no product in the link list when loading a supplier's price list
-I load the supplier's price list with the search for goods by name. -2 products from the price list coincided with one product in the box. ...
4 answer
30.01.2023, 18:19
Filter in Product Linking
You can add the filter Related/Unrelated Products in the Linking Products section
1 answer
When creating new products from linking, it gives an error
When we try to create unrelated products in large quantities, 150 items are created, and then it gives an error 500
5 replies
Linking products by SKU and brand
Search and linking by article and brand does not work at the same time when the checkbox "If there is a brand, search by article and brand at ...
7 replies
08.11.2021, 15:23
Changes in the work of Downloading suppliers' prices
1. Previously, after loading the price list, the page for linking goods was opened and the supplier was selected in the filter for which the downlo...
7 replies
BAAs Dev.
26.08.2021, 21:51
BUG in the work of the Blacklist and Binding List
There is an automation on XML import from the supplier. In the settings of which it is configured that new products are not created, but go to Bind...
7 replies
Error when linking TM Maestro
Hello, I've only encountered a problem with this TM. When linking goods, all goods of this TM pop up. I am attaching screenshots. And so on for...
1 answer
12.11.2020, 13:29
Linked products not showing
Why, if the search for a product in the RFP is based on the supplier code, then the products not found are not displayed in the Linking?
1 answer
16.10.2020, 10:30
Product linking after Universal Product Import (xml/json)
When importing goods into the box with this action Generic product import (xml/json) We have in the "linking products" on the right side,...
4 answer
When linking "misunderstanding"
Hello, the situation is as follows: we loaded the supplier, fully worked it out (uploaded, linked, categories, brands scattered), in a week we upda...

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