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Search results for query #рабочий график

4 answer
17.04.2023, 12:59
The employee is automatically assigned a work schedule
Here https://rivcont.info/app/worktime/?filtermanagerid%5B%5D=244429&datefrom=202... 8C%D1%82%D1%80...
4 answer
14.09.2021, 11:48
Fixation of working time on the passage of the stage
It is necessary to count the author/responsible (optionally) working time in the work schedule section when passing the stage.
Interface improvements
Or I didn’t find or the opportunity to massively set the working time was gone, you need to set the From and To time in the general list for each d...
2 answer
22.03.2021, 10:01
working hours are not correctly taken into account in the business process
when the working time is set from 9 to 18, the system transfers the timer to the next stage after 18.00, although it must take into account working...
1 answer
11.03.2021, 14:47
How to switch the stage of a business process after N time, but taking into account the work schedule
There is an action "Switch stage after N time". You can even do two: set the stage time + jump after the stage time. But how can the syst...
1 answer
Create subprocess
For work, the client needs to add a condition to the action to create a Sub-Process (action_block_sub_workflow) - take into account the work schedu...
Reset schedule settings
Every Monday, an employee complains that he cannot log in, that access is denied after hours. I go into the settings in the work schedule and see t...
2014660469 - Added functionality for accounting for days off in the work schedule
A field (type: multi-list) has been added for the “Work schedule” section of the contact card, where you can specify days off for a year. When copy...
2014480173 - Improved the functionality of the action to send SMS
In the “Send notification by sms” action, we added a setting that will send a message only when the responsible employee is not working (the check ...

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