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Search results for query #процес

Recommendation for OneBox (process interface)
It would be great if there is a block that can be configured outside of the processes and just copy it to the created processes. Example: set up th...
2 answer
30.10.2023, 11:25
The ability to view information on warehouses in the product search block has disappeared
Process. Product search interface block. Stop showing "+" to open and view information by warehouse https://i.imgur.com/hkBThTF.png The Hide inform...
4 answer
11.10.2023, 14:21
Turn call to process automation is not working
Tell me why the call did not turn into a process? Here is the link to the event https://proektobk.1b.app/app/event/145115/ automation is configured
5 replies
20.09.2023, 11:56
BAH for some reason duplicates processes
duplicates processes for some reason https://urbantree.1b.app/app/workflow/ https://i.imgur.com/p8d77nh.png it shouldn't be https://prnt.sc/PmXIP8C...
1 answer
Personal license
19.06.2023, 09:08
ImprovementInvestment of the universal block of the interface: display of the contact field from the additional field
Congratulations! For some time now, we have been observing the lack of one feature with the team: the ability to display the contact field user.(c...
A bug when creating a contact from the add process form
https://dimpro.1b.app/desktop/ I have attached a video on fixing the error. Please correct it.
how to see warehouse operations by process?
Is it possible and how to display warehouse operations by process?
Information about the sale of the product at BP
How to display information about the sale (write-off) or transfer of products within the BP?
BAG I cannot add a contact in the additional field of BP
https://askoart.1b.app/2383/ Add. "Responsible for installation" process field. I tried to put the field in various universal blocks, but it did no...
Using the API with the CRM application to create processes (leads)
Does the system have the ability to interact with the CRM application through an API, so that it is possible to create leads by analogy with creati...

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