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Search results for query #планирование

6 replies
05.12.2022, 21:39
How I forced employees to work according to the plan and what it led to
Continuation of the story on calendars and planning in OneBox. The beginning of the story is here - https://1b.app/ru/forum/onebox-chronicles/16029...
1 answer
OS - evaluate the completion of the action Distribute subprocesses by day according to the value of the additional process field
We have the action Distribute subprocesses by days according to the value of the additional process field , with which you can set the distributio...
date schedule
Hello. We have auto-repeating tasks regularly created with a past date in the Schedule field: How to fix it?
date schedule
Hello. The Schedule date field behaves strangely, it cannot be updated to an earlier one (not past), it throws an error. At a later time, it is upd...
Solution for the production of rolled metal products.
The client has the production and wholesale of rolled metal products. The main task: 1. warehouse and commodity accounting, 2. automation of receiv...
2 answer
03.10.2020, 13:01
Please explain the date setting in action
I can not understand the algorithm itself and in general its meaning http://joxi.ru/KAg5e35IK5BOjm Is today's date the date this action fired? ...

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