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Search results for query #передача данных

FTP data transfer
In the process at the stage "Coordination with lawyers (Subcontracting)" data transfer via FTP is configured when switching, it writes th...
2 answer
12.03.2021, 10:02
Block clients of the process - can the completed data be transferred to subprocesses or taken from the parent
Good afternoon. There is an interface block Contacts of the process https://prnt.sc/10jitza, we fill it manually by selecting a contact from existi...
5 replies
04.03.2021, 17:42
API Data Transfer
We pass data via API to the deliveryNote field, but the field is overwritten and the main field when we insert the value is called deliverynote. Ho...
2 answer
Интернет Магазин openshop.ua
18.11.2020, 19:01
not all data gets into the box
Good evening. I use telephony from Nextel, I also have a goip with my sim cards for outgoing calls. Data from calls that customers make to my SIM c...
5 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
21.10.2020, 23:51
Why is there a mandatory "name" field in the product API in the /api/product/update/ method
Here https://baza.cn.ua/admin/standards-main/8/ Required parameter "name" https://prnt.sc/v446mn But what is the logic in the api for fix...
10 replies
26.08.2020, 21:45
Integration with Infusionsoft
The integration with Infusionsoft has fallen off, leads from Infusionsoft have stopped coming to vanbox. IP settings checked - all good. Where to dig?

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