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Search results for query #пдв

Change in margin calculation?
Hello, is there any way to change the margin calculation?
Price with VAT
Good afternoon, I have a business process where a person enters goods and places them in the warehouse. Also configured to update the purchase pric...
7 replies
13.12.2022, 13:39
Several options for VAT rates of a legal entity
Make it possible to enter several bid options in the VAT field of the "Legal entities and details" directory. Also to be able to change t...
2 answer
Personal license
30.09.2022, 17:45
How to transfer VAT and Excise duty to the goods receipt at the same time
It is necessary to adjust the display of two taxes (VAT and excise) in the check. Checkbox technical support replied that the code should be transf...
In the order with VAT, the knitting is wrong
In the order with VAT, the knitting is wrong the sum of the goods and the sum of the payment go to 0 and in the goiter knitting svit borg 1.40 UAH ...
4 answer
21.01.2022, 18:04
MPE in check
Good day How to transfer the information about the MPE in a check? It is necessary to convey "WITHOUT MPE" How about an instruction? Rece...

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