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Search results for query #очистка данных

4 answer
14.12.2023, 10:37
Order a one-time cleaning of system memory
Hello! Please invoice for a one-time cleaning of system memory https://box1.luxshina.ua/desktop/ Important cleaning points are listed below: Clear ...
3 answer
04.08.2023, 09:28
Out of disk space
Displays an error that the disk space has probably run out. Although in fact there is still about 40% free space. And the second question is how to...
clearing orders
Hello, there was a desire to clean the box using this application. Got a question: If I delete old orders, then: 1) Are the contacts associated wit...
4 answer
Crons hung after trying to clear data and reboot
Good day everyone, There was a problem - after trying to delete old data using the "Data Cleanup" application, a number of problems occur...
2 answer
22.01.2022, 22:31
How to understand the cost of the application
Welcome to the "data wipe" app. 1. How to understand from the information in the description of the application its cost. 2. Where the te...
2 answer
23.11.2021, 18:50
OS: Incomprehensible notification "Insufficient funds on the account to pay for applications: Data cleaning 39.00 USD"
Guys, for some reason I started to display such a notification. Tell me, what is it connected with?
10 replies
31.10.2021, 21:27
How the app works
Darow guy. I see they rolled out an attachment, but there are a couple of questions about it. 1. For example, I have N orders, N payments in the bo...
2 answer
13.03.2021, 14:06
Question about removed products from the system (clearing data in the BP)
Good afternoon! We noticed that when a product is removed from the system (without the possibility of recovery), part of the data from the BP in wh...
Cleaning up data about uninstalled products
Good afternoon! A day ago I set up a task to clean up data on deleted products - more than 10000 I check constantly - the products were not cleare...

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