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Search results for query #оформление заказа

5 replies
Personal license
05.09.2022, 12:58
Orders placed incorrectly
here https://chekhol.com.ua/ We are trying to order as a client, placing an order, entering all the data and for some reason we get to the page htt...
3 answer
09.02.2021, 13:55
Problem with ordering
Good afternoon! When creating a new order, it asks for the required field of the client's email and without it does not save the new client. Co...
Copy extra. fields in the data for registration of TTN
Good afternoon! Is this possible: The client orders the goods in his personal account places an order let's say the client made an order for 5 ...
6 replies
28.01.2021, 12:34
checkbox required at checkout
you need a checkbox when placing an order, with the payment method cash on delivery with the following text: Call me back to confirm the order. The...
1 answer
20.01.2021, 14:26
The customer is unable to place an order
the client selects a product, sends it to the basket, then places an order, enters all his data, fills in all the fields marked with an asterisk fo...
1 answer
27.10.2020, 14:10
Changed the order interface, now it does not search for products
Good afternoon. After changing the interface for creating an order, products cannot be found in it.
When issuing a ttn, a new mail pardon In order https://rovo.org.ua/admin/customorder/order/971649/edit/ Selected company (Contractor) https://prnt....
2014985619 - Improved ordering
For the "Cart" block of the desktop personal account, the setting "After placing an order, redirect the client to the link" has...

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