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Search results for query #ліцензії

You have reached the maximum number of sessions in your onebox license
No access works, it says to all users at the same time, The maximum number of sessions in your onebox license has been reached Please reset all ava...
0 replies
18.07.2023, 11:18
Is it possible to move licenses from one system to another (the owner of both systems is one holding)?
Good day! There is a Box https://crm.hlr.ua/ for 100 licenses, is it possible to add licenses to it from another system that is not currently being...
Does the integration with WordPress and Kyivstar use an OS license?
Periodically, when transferring an order from WordPress, there are delays, and the order can take more than 5 minutes Is a license used to integrat...
1 answer
11.01.2023, 15:48
License section
How to separate 1 OneBox MVP license if there are 4, for example. Is it possible to request installation of OneBox MVP with this license on our ser...
1 answer
20.12.2022, 23:44
Sale of licenses
We are selling a box with 4 licenses. The cost of 4 licenses - 1800 u.e. (benefit 1000 u.e.) There is also time for an integrator - as a gift. Call...
0 replies
MVP licenses for sale
I will sell 3 MVP licenses. The price is negotiable
4 answer
Personal license
23.08.2022, 09:30
licenses for hi-art.com.ua have disappeared
Hello! they transferred the box to another server and upgraded, after that it gives an error that there are no licenses. can you fix temporarily li...
5 replies
Please restore the MVP box for 10 licenses + template Template23
Good day. We bought a boxed solution for 10 licenses + 1 license with the "Template23" software module [paid according to invoice No. 201...
8 replies
21.07.2022, 14:14
Your OneBox license has reached the maximum number of sessions: 0
I'm seeing a pardon for 0 licenses. Vipravte, more cost a robot.
Official: End of support for OneBox MVP and early builds
Dear customers! We officially announce that starting January 1, 2023, OneBox MVP and older versions will no longer be supported. What does this mea...

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