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Search results for query #картинка товара

2 answer
30.06.2022, 12:15
Missing product image
Good afternoon. Photos of some products are missing https://cabinet.tehnolavka.com.ua/app/product/984169/edit/ https://cabinet.tehnolavka.com.ua/ap...
BUG!! Pictures on new headings are no longer displayed!
Pictures are no longer displayed on new products, before products came in from the promo a day later, along with a photo, Right now, without a phot...
6 replies
12.11.2021, 16:23
OS - Select existing image
How can I add an image that is already in the system to the product card so as not to duplicate files? If this is not possible now, is it really po...
3 answer
02.11.2021, 11:03
Main Image Loading - Error
Hello! Please correct the line in the export of products: "Images separated |" - it should unload the main and additional images. Everyth...
15 replies
BAAs Dev.
07.08.2021, 10:16
Lost all photos from all products
Dear friends, we need your emergency help. In the morning, the working day started not BRIGHTLY at all, ERRORS began on the feeds of uploads to tra...
1 answer
26.01.2021, 13:25
The quality of product photos is reduced, with universal xml import
In the xml file of the postal manager, it is sent to the photo in good quality (1024 * 1024) https://brain.com.ua/static/images/prod_img/0/9/U04339...
7 replies
03.01.2021, 21:57
Photo size
What are the requirements for photos and their parameters so that photos are displayed like here and not like here: or here . It is necessary th...
4 answer
Product Image
Good afternoon, Today I ran into a problem, the navigation for loading product images, both main and additional, disappeared. There is a block but ...
2 answer
06.11.2020, 13:58
No upload image button
Good afternoon. One user has buttons and the other does not.
the button to add a picture to the product is missing ???
the button to add a picture to the product is missing ??? https://prnt.sc/vdt9tf goods https://rovo.org.ua/admin/shop/products/84096/edit/

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