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Search results for query #глобальный поиск

14 replies
07.12.2023, 09:35
You can configure the global search to have the client in the first and not the last column, the contacts field. It’s not convenient to search, you need to move it to the right, and to do this, for the roller to appear, scroll to the very bottom
Hello. You can configure the global search to have the client in the first and not the last column, the contacts field. It’s not convenient to sear...
11 replies
18.09.2023, 10:33
Global search stopped working
As of today, global search has stopped working. It gives something like https://prnt.sc/NND2n2sjM-Z8 The screenshot shows that something seemed to ...
3 answer
30.05.2023, 09:02
Doesn't search for tasks by ID
In the global search, not all tasks are searched by their ID . For example this task https://topbox.1b.app/5465/ . And there are many such tasks. P...
5 replies
12.05.2023, 21:50
Bring global search to quick access
Is it possible to display a global search icon in the interface? Now, to find something in the system, you need to find a search in the search, an...
2 answer
20.02.2023, 13:50
The search stopped looking for products by an additional field.
Good afternoon https://box.agro-him.com.ua/ A year ago, an additional field was made on all products, in which the active substance of the drug was...
10 replies
08.01.2023, 14:37
The speed of processing text input in the search field
Please speed up the processing of text input in the global search field. Now, after clicking on the icon, there is some kind of delay, due to which...
2 answer
Doesn't search for orders by external id
Here is the order https://stimul.crm-onebox.com/3220608/ There is also an external id field and additional. the field that is written Here is the ...
1 answer
17.08.2022, 16:51
Messenger icons in global search
Hello! Is it possible to add the display of messenger icons next to the contact phone when displayed in the global search As it was in the old ver...
18 replies
26.05.2022, 13:20
In OS, when hovering over an employee's contact, the phone is not displayed in the company card
In the previous version of the box, when you hover over an employee's contact, the company card displayed his phone number and viber button. It...
3 answer
25.05.2022, 14:33
OS global search
Hello! Switched to OS yesterday. I was very upset by the truncated functionality of the Global Search application. Previously, it had the ability t...

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