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Search results for query #автоматизация системы

8 replies
13.02.2023, 15:45
Something went wrong
Created automation of the process of adding a minimum reserve, as well as automation of creating a task for an employee to purchase the required am...
4 answer
27.01.2022, 11:38
Slows down OneBox OS and server load
Video attached. Moreover, it is difficult to track exactly when the system lags, every 5 minutes the situation is different. The statuses move in 3...
1 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
20.12.2021, 10:33
Help, box is not stable
Good afternoon, for the last 30 minutes, employees periodically lose access to the box, then it appears and after 2 minutes there is no response fr...
4 answer
04.11.2021, 16:58
Slows down the system, transitions between pages up to 20 seconds
After transferring the virtual machine with boxing to another physical machine, the system began to slow down. It takes a lot of time to navigate b...
2 answer
01.10.2021, 11:16
Lately boxing lags
Good afternoon! Fiercely lags boxing in several cases: - When I go to the "orders" page freezes, I can not scroll through the orders and ...
4 answer
28.09.2021, 14:15
Box not working
Please help! Very important. Something happened to the system. Automation stopped working (private, i2crm and others), namely: payments and message...
5 replies
23.09.2021, 23:20
boxing speed
Good afternoon. Please check why it takes so long to create a process / switch a stage. Boxing https://crm.kupistul.ua/ Video is attached, we switc...
7 replies
OneBox hangs when selecting a value in the add. process product field
There is already a problem, but accidentally answered it as solved. It is very inconvenient to work with constant freezes. https://crm-onebox.com/r...

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