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Search results for query #z.dmytro

5 replies
Mass change Jur. Process Persons
Is it possible to massively change the legal process face? If the processes are at different stages and you need to change their legal. face.
3 answer
08.12.2020, 17:22
Integration with eSputnik. Sender's name is in the wrong format
Integration with eSputnik. Sender's name is in the wrong format I created an integration and registered all the data as indicated in the descri...
9 replies
03.12.2020, 00:43
The Menu and the Business Processes page do not work correctly
Hello! Found a large number of technical errors in Boxing and don't know how to fix them 1) After clicking on the link https://our-store.com.ua...
9 replies
02.12.2020, 13:35
Do not practice doopration.
Robili doopratsyuvannya #2015618600 https://orc-test.kiev.ua/admin/shop/finance/account/24/control/ Checkmark to stand by the gaman Ale 20.11 payme...
2 answer
26.11.2020, 11:15
Good day, don't use the filter on the site
4 answer
26.11.2020, 09:03
Extra character (\) in the product name
A problem with the export of product names has been noticed, namely: Double quotes are preceded by a backslash (\) which can be seen in the xml fil...
2 answer
25.11.2020, 11:54
How the Automation action Update Availability works in magento
Good afternoon! Please describe the operation of the action Update availability in magento, is the text field updated in stock / out of stock, or i...
7 replies
20.11.2020, 14:58
Does not tighten the product when ordering from Tilda
Good afternoon. For some reason, the goods in the order from Tilda do not stretch. The article was written in the tilde https://prnt.sc/vmtoey, the...
Is it possible to make the Additional field functional Links
There is an additional field in the product card where links to sites https://prnt.sc/vimtt9 are inserted the inconvenience is that it is inconveni...
3 answer
13.11.2020, 11:39
Clickable process ID in the table
Good day. Suggest that you can enter the process ID by clicking on the process ID in the "Add products to process based on customer processes ...

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