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Search results for query #facebook

4 answer
14.04.2021, 19:05
Facebook, Viber
Please add an option to automation: -Turn a viber message into a business process -Turn a Telegram message into a business process -Turn a Facebook...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
12.04.2021, 09:40
One-Click FaceBook Integration
I have a question for the developers Now, in order to set up OneBox integration with FaceBook, you have to dance with a tambourine for a long time ...
facebook connection
Facebook connection required. where you can see how it will look like (entering questions in the messenger, comments, whether it is possible to set...
44 answer
25.02.2021, 11:55
Critical issue with Facebook Lead Ads Forms
Dear OneBox users, We are officially announcing that last night all Facebook Lead Ads Forms users lost their integration with the LeadForm API. If ...
7 replies
23.02.2021, 16:07
facebook messenger
Will integration with Facebook, Instagram be simplified for cloud users? Cloud services usually provide simplified / uncomplicated integration. Can...
3 answer
18.02.2021, 13:01
facebook messenger
Good day. How can I enable integration from 2 facebook messenger? How to remove notifications from the company's account?
1 answer
15.02.2021, 14:48
Onebox integration with Amazon, Mailchimp, Shopify, Facebook
Hello, I am interested in this CRM system, so I would like to know how much it will cost to integrate with these services in the manner described b...
4 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
31.01.2021, 19:14
Rate FacebookMessenger improvement
Need the ability to connect FacebookMessenger multiple times
3 answer
"Turn Facebook Messenger Into Process" Automation Duplicate Messages
Good afternoon! Actually, everything is in screenshots.https://prnt.sc/xnae8y https://prnt.sc/xnagcw Also, for some reason, I can not delete the BP...
Facebook Leads
Good afternoon! Can't get leads from fb I already set up the integration before and everything worked But now I'm probably doing something ...

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