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Search results for query #email

4 answer
17.09.2021, 15:49
OS - Bug (to put it mildly) mail
In general, it is impossible to work with mail. It is generally impossible to open it, you have to wait so long that it is better not to wait. You ...
If you try, write a note on the page from the side of My account, it appears that the return address is incorrect (the correct address, and not the...
Do not process autosubmission of postal addresses
When writing a sheet from the reference card https://astelitgroup.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/users/9/ 1. Do not automatically select the correct pos...
Visibility of the field "Copy" in the window "Write sheet"
When writing a sheet from the side of My podії, at the merging vіknі vіdsutnє field "Copy". https://astelitgroup.crm-onebox.com/admin/sho...
2 answer
14.09.2021, 12:33
Email is not sent from the system
There is an event http://crm.enzim.biz/admin/shop/event/53433/ But the letter on this event did not reach the recipient and it is also not in the s...
1 answer
Email copies not working in comments feed (process)
Good afternoon, since at least Friday we have seen such a problem - when sending a response to a letter through the process, if there are several r...
8 replies
Post completion
Good afternoon, I ask you to estimate the cost of improvement: Currently, when sending an email via My Events, if the email has more than 1 recipie...
How to clean up the task id # from the topics of the sheet
Good day. When the sheet is corrected, the comment block and the custom sheet subject a process identifier is added to those sheets. https://asteli...
Connect SMTP is Fail, corporate email
Good day. Implemented integration with corporate mail server. The settings are the same, both for IMAP and for SMTP. Input leaves are transferred t...
2 answer
21.07.2021, 10:53
Need access to the server to connect to the terminal
Hello! We need access to connect to the server through the console We need this so that our system administrators can check the work of the mail. ...

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