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Search results for query #email

2 answer
02.11.2021, 11:01
Parser not working
Email integration configured https://montazhka.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/integrations/imap-11/control/ But the mail is not being pulled. The integr...
4 answer
25.10.2021, 09:38
Good afternoon, please clarify, be kind, how can you check the sheets (open/not open/spam/redirect). Robimo zagalnі rozsilki іz system, want to mot...
Pass in the changed first letter with the name of the client
Take food: At once, for the help of the changed [name_first_ru].[name_last_ru]@{|$customuser_Domen|}, an email Petr.Petrenko@kyivhlib.com is formed...
6 replies
Is it possible to download mail only from a specific IMAP folder
Is it possible to download mail only from a specific IMAP folder? I found this setting: "Ignore directories (specify several in encoded form, ...
6 replies
29.09.2021, 20:51
Substituting the process number in the subject line when sending from a process
When sending a letter from a process, the process #ID of the process is automatically substituted in the subject of the letter. Can I remove the au...
Required to tidy up from the Submit fixation of the sheet from the Redirect mail
Next food: We have set up forwarding of incoming lists from the mailbox to the domain astelitgroup.com to a mailbox for the box.astelitgroup.com do...
Sending emails from different emails
Each employee has 2 emails It is necessary to refine the action for sending letters from 2 different emails (Ukrainian and Russian) When sending fr...
1 answer
23.09.2021, 09:33
Action advice Send email notification
In the Send email notification action, you can choose from whom the email will be sent Can I add a setting so that you can choose the email from w...
7 replies
22.09.2021, 11:53
OS - Email active/inactive
We have a problem that we do not know how to solve. As a rule, we send letters to counterparties from the comments feed. Some employees have adde...
Process sheet not corrected
When pressing the "Save" button, the process sheet does not appear in the process. https://astelitgroup.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/...

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