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Search results for query #cornev@ergoglass.md

3 answer
17.12.2020, 14:58
Notification Center - Question
The notification center has a function to delete notifications, one of the options is "delete unread notifications". Maybe it should be -...
good afternoon. why is there no field with telegram id in the contact card, similar to viber?
3 answer
05.12.2020, 11:14
Product Automation: Improved
We suggest blocking the "Control value" field when selecting the "Filled value" condition, because it is not active at this tim...
23 answer
04.12.2020, 16:08
Product Automation: Improved
To not fill in all possible values that fit "equal to": https://prnt.sc/vvsu69 It would be ideal to add a "Not Equal" condition...
7 replies
03.12.2020, 16:40
Child process structure not working
I'm trying to set up - https://prnt.sc/vv3xh5 But it doesn't show what - https://prnt.sc/vv3yde What is the problem? How does this block ac...
2 answer
03.12.2020, 16:29
Procedures: improvements
We propose to slightly improve the procedures: 1. Add the ability to disable / enable procedures directly from the list. https://prnt.sc/vv30cc 2. ...
2 answer
02.12.2020, 17:21
Page Interface Suggestion
Good afternoon! Guys, could you improve the "Business Processes" page a little, namely: 1) Remove the word "Group" (https://prn...
2 answer
26.11.2020, 13:42
Block does not work: client as contact in progress
1. Added and configured the block: Last business processes where the client participates as a contact to the process - https://prnt.sc/vqhjcg 2. Th...
2 answer
20.11.2020, 16:15
List of categories in different displays: bug
Products list display: the category is displayed normally - a tree https://prnt.sc/vmveu5 Products table: categories are displayed with incomprehen...
6 replies
19.11.2020, 16:23
Form a product name according to the template
https://prnt.sc/vm7tvc I can't figure out how this action works. For example, I want to make a name like this: [Name], [Brand], [Article], [Hei...

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