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Search results for query #шаблон документа

2 answer
Консалтинговая компания БИТ. Директор
22.09.2020, 13:53
When creating a document, an error pops up in a separate tab %PDF-1.7 %�쏢 5 0 obj <> stream x�+T0�3T0A(��˥ d��^� � [� !endstream endobj 6 0 ...
1 answer
Document templates of the UPD RF
A big request to put html document templates in the public domain Now the UPD RF template is very much needed. This is the main accounting document...
8 replies
10.09.2020, 14:46
Condition on a variable
It is necessary to implement the following condition, under which a cell in the table with a quantity of goods > 1 will be highlighted. {|if $ro...
3 answer
Document number from the desired number
Hello! Please tell me how to make The document number documentNumber started with the number we wanted. For example, with 100, i.e. 101, 102, 103 ....
PDF files are not generated
An error "Error Failed to load PDF document." You can get a file through the print button and when saving in PDF format, but files are no...
2015229549 - Refinement of variables for the report “Report on the client (document template)”
Variables have been improved for the report constructor block “Report on a client (document template)”: sum_order_orderpaymentin - calculation of t...
2014817409 - Refinement of document template variables
Improved variable that pulls information from the subprocesses block: row:product_* - all products? where * is the subprocess variable key
2014728869 - Refinement of variables for the customer report (document template)
For the “Report on the client (document template)” block of the report constructor, the following has been improved: 1) balance difference variable...

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