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Search results for query #центр уведомлений

2 answer
20.10.2020, 15:57
Communication center not loading
Good afternoon. Faced a problem - the communications center is not loaded. When you try to enter the communications center, the page is constantly ...
2015659898 - Added setting “Limit task height in CC”
Added system setting “Limit the height of the task in the CC” . Makes a notification with a lot of text appear incomplete in the notification center
4 answer
15.10.2020, 17:21
shopnotification 10M records
A request arrived from hvosting There is a user box.dobroznak.com He has 10 million records in this table, and it can either be cleaned up, or the ...
3 answer
15.10.2020, 13:44
Reduce notification block
When receiving a letter or a long comment, the notification block becomes unrealistically long. I don't think anyone is scrolling to read it fr...
2 answer
28.09.2020, 12:28
General Chat and Communications Center
Good afternoon. We updated the system and now I'm looking at new features of the general chat. Installed integration with Viber and set the act...
4 answer
Remove a person from a chat
Good afternoon! How to remove the interlocutor from the chat in the program? I found the "add employee" and "leave the chat" fu...
Deleting a message from the notification center
I propose to make an action to remove the notification from the "Notification Center". The manager has a lot of tasks, and setting up aut...
1 answer
18.06.2019, 15:18
Ability to customize the notification center
We all use the Communication Center. And everyone is familiar with the situation when you see dozens, and sometimes hundreds of new notifications h...
2014965163 - Added a setting that allows you to not display notifications in the mobile version
For the communications center of the mobile version, the setting “Do not display comments in the notification center” has been improved
2014945049 - Improved protection against duplication of actions in the Communications Center
To protect against duplication in the personal account, it has been improved so that after clicking on the button, it becomes inactive.

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