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Search results for query #фільтри

3 answer
09.11.2022, 00:06
BUG Outputs the color and not the type to the filter
process https://murmur.1b.app/2516/#done there is a pair with sole type 21150 https://murmur.1b.app/app/product/140/edit/?tabid=1 in the process, w...
12 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
31.08.2022, 14:27
Dear, add in api v2 the ability to remove all filters and their values on two movs.
Good day, I guess, it’s time to add to api v2 the ability to accept all the filters and their values on two languages (Russian and Ukrainian, It is...
Filters and characteristics
Good day! On the site, I update the filter and the characteristics of the goods. May the list of filters. Via Export, vivanting the file with chara...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
13.04.2022, 14:43
Not able to export all filters
Good afternoon, please give me the possibility of exporting all filters, at the same time it is possible only for one side. https://owwa.crm-onebox...
5 replies
Personal license
03.12.2021, 15:13
OS: Problems with product filters
Requested from the price list of the filter section "Universal product import (xml/json)" price , set in diї - , 1) Not only fіltry (...
6 replies
Personal license
01.12.2021, 18:37
OS: Product filters are not included in the upload file (xls)
We form uploading to the Prom business "PromUA / Export products in XLS format" We tried it in different places: https://monosnap.com/fil...
5 replies
Personal license
14.06.2021, 19:23
In the filter block, the addendum field "list of contacts" shows all contacts, and maybe only a few contacts
In the additional process of the type "advisor of contacts", only a few spivrobitniks can be indicated (screen 1) https://take.ms/cKV8K ,...
20 replies
Тзов Екомора
28.05.2021, 11:51
Correction of restocking in surpluses in warehouses
Please check the stock balance of the additional filter which can display the balance only for the warehouses\rooms of the selected warehouse mana...
4 answer
Personal license
28.01.2021, 11:54
adjust the filter in the fallow land in another filter
The client from the car gallery and you need to adjust the filter in the fallow area in the form of another filter. For example, it is necessary to...
There is no product filter in CRM
As such, there are no filters of goods in stock, є. https://prnt.sc/wj3c3y And what kind of filter is showing what kind of goods are in the warehou...

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