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Search results for query #файлы

3 answer
04.08.2021, 17:36
Advice on adding files to the process
Is it possible to make an action that will add files to the process from a specific folder created in files ? That is, they created a process, add...
3 answer
19.06.2021, 07:54
Archiving processes
There is such a problem: There are a lot of files in our clients' orders (drawings, PDF documents, photos, videos, document scans, etc.) that c...
Files section does not open for some contacts
the following do not open /admin/shop/users/22203/files/ /admin/shop/users/25493/files/ so far found in these specific contacts. The rest are all o...
5 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
15.06.2021, 13:46
Duplicate file button
in the application https://psrok.crm-onebox.com/app/files/ the button "Other settings..." is duplicated twice they have the same link.
1 answer
10.06.2021, 17:42
Some files became inaccessible
Good afternoon! Some files became inaccessible, for example the process http://vg-medical.com.ua/admin/customorder/order/265789/edit/ - for the 2nd...
1 answer
28.05.2021, 15:10
Location on the server
The server is clogged, it is not clear to buy more or you can clean it. Tell me, please, what and how much is taking up space on our server? logs, ...
1 answer
13.05.2021, 11:46
Interface block consultation Attached files in progress
There is a block in process Attached files You need to add a setting to not display the delete file button How long will it take
4 answer
Automatic generation of photo title
When uploading images to the system, can we set some settings so that new images change their name according to some pattern? for example: I upload...
3 answer
01.03.2021, 18:43
Is there an automation that can dump all files in one business process into one folder in the file storage?
We are very actively loading files, and now there is a bit of a mess in the file storage. How can we make it so that, for example, all files from t...
4 answer
Name the file
Good day. Additional field with file format. The name of the file attached in such a field is displayed as a number. How can I imagine the real nam...

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