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7 replies
03.08.2022, 21:50
Products are not displayed during checkout
https://rivcont.info/app/storage/process/incoming/ I am adding product Notification Next, the notification disappears, but the product is still n...
0 replies
03.08.2022, 16:50
Problems with reserves
Previously solved #2015896542 Now everything is broken again There are a lot of orders where the goods have become in reserve, but they are not in ...
1 answer
07.07.2022, 17:12
Correct the balance in the warehouse
Good day Correct, be kind, the balance in the warehouse for the product. From the operations it is clear that yoga cannot be there. https://orc-tes...
1 answer
04.07.2022, 15:14
Items are not correctly added to the shopping cart
Here http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/3707/ click send to the posting basket (Fig. 1) As a result, these products do not appear in the posting basket (Fi...
Print price tags to move
Good afternoon, we cannot print price tags for moving https://box.peresvitbrand.com/app/document/pricecode/add/?transactionid=110056 due to a large...
Receive warehouse field
As far as I know, in the product table in the interface, by default, you can display "Warehouse of receipt". We do not have it in the sta...
# sign in the column "quantity of product"
Why is there a # in front of the value of the quantity of the product in the table of balances in warehouses? How can you get rid of it? Or what is...
5 replies
03.06.2022, 13:32
Goods not written off
Hello! Boxing - azing.1b.app. I can't write off the item with id #3, error 500. Please help me with this issue.
Warehouse works strange - bug
There is a process https://box.yerocolors.com/14261/ I move it to the stage "Package" I get an error --- this is correct, since there ar...
3 answer
25.05.2022, 14:47
Functionality of the process products tab in OS
In the old version of boxing, processes had a "Products" tab. It was convenient to see the balance in warehouses, select a warehouse for...

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