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Search results for query #превратить письмо в процесс

2015672102 - Improved "Turn a letter into a process"
For the "Turn a letter into a process" action, the setting "Attach an event to the process comment after creation" has been add...
4 answer
28.10.2020, 21:06
Automation "Turn an email into a process" does not work correctly
Times: https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/email/1414-avtomaticheskoe-deystvie-i-deystvie... Two: https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/email/1714-prevra...
13 replies
15.10.2020, 17:56
Turn a letter into a process: continued
Times: https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/email/1414-avtomaticheskoe-deystvie-i-deystvie... Two: https://crm-onebox.com/...
4 answer
When creating a BP from a letter, the file is not attached
Good afternoon! The action in the automation "Turn a letter into a process" is configured and when creating a BP from a letter (with a fi...
11 replies
22.09.2020, 17:49
Auto action and email action work differently
Option 1: - Go to "events" - Choose a process - click "Turn into a process" - the letter was added to the process as a comment,...
2015314583 - Improvement of the variable for the action "Turn a letter into a process"
For the BP action "Turn a letter into a process", a variable has been added that will pull the email from which the letter came and the p...
2015229770 - Added a setting to the action "Turn an email into a process"
For the action “Turn a letter into a process”, the setting “If the subject of the letter contains the ID of an existing closed process, add the let...
2014892169 - Improved the action “Turn a letter into a process”
There is a checkbox in the “Turn a letter into a process” action: “Check for the creation of business processes Do not create a new business proces...
2014512945 - Added a setting to the action "Turn an email into a process"
Added a checkbox to the "Turn email into a process" action "Do not process email if the user's email is not in the system",...

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