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Search results for query #переменная

26 replies
12.11.2020, 00:47
Variable for a letter with a link to a product
Prompt a variable for a letter with a link to the product. So that you can send a letter to the client with a list of products and each product as ...
need a variable in the report in order to calculate the average value
in these reports, you need to implement the ability to calculate the average value for the date or the average daily indicator for the period. for ...
3 answer
23.10.2020, 15:22
Variable process description
Good afternoon! Please rename one of the process description variables https://prnt.sc/v5acu2. The top one is a description, the bottom one is the ...
1 answer
14.10.2020, 17:44
Mail and SMS
- Is it possible to send test emails to yourself to check the variables in the email? - How to find out variables for SMS?
4 answer
how many variables are assigned to the full name in business processes
why it is no longer possible to change the client's last name in the process. one thing is written in the inside of the process, and quite anot...
3 answer
16.09.2020, 13:02
How to write row:contact_* variable?
Hello, please tell me where to look for "variable key according to document variables for contacts" for row:contact_* variable in documen...
4 answer
11.09.2020, 16:17
remove zeros in variable quantity for emails
There is a system variable for the quantity of goods in letters, it is drawn with four zeros, there are customers who believe that this is a thousa...
2 answer
07.09.2020, 12:20
What variable should be indicated in the e-mail letter for the manager, where it will be indicated whether the goods are paid or not?
6 replies
30.01.2020, 22:47
The type of numerical variables in the letter is just a shame!!!
Variables with numbers in the letter: {|$discountSum|} {|$ordersumbase|} {|$deliveryPrice|} {|$ordersum|} have a different number of decimal places...

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