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Search results for query #остатки

1 answer
01.02.2021, 14:45
In the balances, the posting date is not unloaded
Opened balances in warehouses http://crm.mebelok.com/admin/shop/storage/balance/warehouses/ The table displays the Posting Date field https://prnt....
1 answer
14.01.2021, 14:56
The balance loader does not work - I load 10 products, and the balances of only 4 products are updated
I upload the rest of the file https://prnt.sc/wneejd it contains 10 products, 10 pcs each And in fact, only 4 goods have the remains https://prnt.s...
8 replies
Incorrect balances for price list products that are filled in manually
Question of the following nature. Incorrect balances for goods in price lists that are filled in manually have become more frequent. It looks like ...
3 answer
13.01.2021, 13:57
balance report
Good afternoon. Could you tell me, please, where to find - a report on the balances? I know that there is a section "remains in warehouses&quo...
4 answer
06.01.2021, 15:20
The column of residues in the search for products in the card of analogues is not removed
In the BP, when searching for a product that has an analog, you open the Analog tab, you can see the standard blocks (article, name, supplier, pric...
1 answer
23.12.2020, 19:40
Update balances once an hour
Now we have about 10 thousand products. But we are constantly increasing the range and at some point there may be 100,000 goods. Will it be possibl...
2 answer
11.12.2020, 13:14
How to upload stock in YML from one specific warehouse
Hello. There is a need to unload using the action "Export products in XML format (Rozetka.ua)" the balance and availability from one spec...
Error with stock balances
Error with stock balances Product https://rovo.org.ua/admin/shop/products/85079/edit/ Є two parishes of 1 piece = 2 pieces Є one write-off 1 piece ...
Є In the middle of the Functional management of the balance according to UKT ZED?
Є In the middle of the Functional management of the balance according to UKT ZED?
5 replies
Refinement of the display of the availability of goods in warehouses
Good afternoon! Please rate the improvement. in the personal account we look at the products, now it shows "In stock" for all available w...

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