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Search results for query #оприходование

15 replies
Full write-off from the warehouse and posting of goods via excel file
I need to make a complete write-off of goods from the warehouse and then upload the posting through excel files. It was not possible to write off p...
1 answer
30.09.2020, 12:33
Does not display transaction log (number does not match)
On the example of a product https://vzuto.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/products/32690/storage/ http://joxi.ru/5mdqOqbUeRVon2 for goods operations shou...
2 answer
27.09.2020, 16:55
Receipt of goods at a warehouse with a different price
Good afternoon! For example, with a small balance of goods in the warehouse, the goods are bought in addition, but it is possible that it will be w...
12 replies
25.09.2020, 10:47
When posting, it does not allow adding 100 pieces, if the crushability in the card is 12
In the product card in the crushability (a number that can be a multiple of the amount of the product) is 12 pieces I want to post 100 pieces, but ...
14 replies
18.09.2020, 14:13
Problems with posting goods in foreign currency (doubling)
Hello! Boxing - crm.kidzaza.com.ua Posting goods (module): https://prnt.sc/ujh11f The default currency is hryvnia. She is all right. But when it is...
1 answer
Purchase of goods + mutual frost protection
Opportunity goods through the warehouse: https://prnt.sc/ujbruw Why should I get a job, I don’t have a mutual frostbite with a post-employee?? . Is...
2 answer
16.09.2020, 15:04
Posting goods from a file
Good afternoon! Can I use the vendor SKU for related products when posting items from a file? If so, what will be the name of this column in the im...
4 answer
08.09.2020, 12:52
Purchase price and cost
The purchase price of the products has changed. How to make it so that when posting products: 1. Changed the purchase price in the product card; 2....
2 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
02.09.2020, 22:11
In the list of products in the field "In stock" does not show the actual quantity of goods in stock
Here https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/products/?filterarticul=277886&sortkey=image&a... Here is what http://prntscr.co...
21 answer
01.09.2020, 19:20
Restoring posting records
I am applying for ticket 2015442197, I hope for a dialogue directly with the developers. I provided detailed proof that the posting was. The number...

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