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Search results for query #карточка продукта

6 replies
17.07.2021, 14:22
OS: Product card interface glitch
Why does the product card interface not match the settings?
Import additional images
After uploading goods from the xlsx file, the main image is replaced correctly, additional images are added without removing the old one. https://q...
Rate the Improvement - Display Quick Launch Buttons in the Product Card Menu
Very often I go to the product warehouses, and although it is not difficult, I want to go in 1 click using the button located in this place. in BPs...
4 answer
25.03.2021, 15:56
Automatic fix URL in product card
Good afternoon. I insert a relative link into the product card in the field with the type text (html) (in the future I transfer the goods from the ...
1 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
17.03.2021, 10:03
finalize the "Product card tabs" block of the online store template (check the box "display component prices according to the prices in the product passport")
you need to add a checkmark to the "Product card tabs" block of the online store template "display the prices of components accordin...
2 answer
04.03.2021, 18:11
Error 500
Good afternoon! When moving from the product card to the Processes tab https://prnt.sc/10d0y3s gives error 500 Please correct.
1 answer
18.01.2021, 17:08
Settings for the Universal Display Unit in Products
Rate the improvement. Make for a generic block in customization products as in a generic process block: 1. Ability to set the color of the block. 2...
2 answer
18.12.2020, 11:44
Scroll in the product card
Example https://optmaster.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/products/30337/edit/ In the product card, I click "Price settings" https://prnt.sc/w5...
1 answer
22.11.2020, 13:20
Block files in the product card: display bug
https://prnt.sc/vnrhbo The layout floated. Can you fix it?
2 answer
07.11.2020, 17:11
Displaying the Description field on the product card
Hello! The size and display of the Description field has changed in the product card. It has decreased, shifted and the text in it cannot be entere...

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