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Search results for query #документы

5 replies
17.05.2021, 16:42
Advise on document layout
Document Template https://hte.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/document/templates/2/control/ Print to PDF example https://hte.crm-onebox.com/admin/documen...
4 answer
15.04.2021, 18:52
Document number not generated
Hello! Document number not generated
6 replies
06.04.2021, 15:57
Document template question
Need help with a document template? I created an Order invoice template and in it I need to display a product photo in each line, but I can’t set t...
2 answer
08.03.2021, 11:51
The document is not created according to the template.
I live! Є BP - https://box.esmile.com.ua/admin/customorder/oplati/33838/edit/ Є document template - https://box.esmile.com.ua/admin/shop/document/t...
2 answer
05.03.2021, 19:12
Doesn't create document after update
Error adding document. Dmitry Valentinovich, you must fill in at least one of the two fields: Document name and/or Document template. I'm tryin...
4 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
01.03.2021, 19:50
finalize the variable for documents for unloading products by condition
it is necessary to modify the variable for documents, with the help of which it is possible to unload the fields of products in which the value of ...
1 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
23.02.2021, 12:26
fix the work of variable documents (amount to pay (text uah_ua))
variables that display a number from an additional field as text stopped working the error appeared on 02/23/2021 here is the test process https:/...
5 replies
16.02.2021, 16:20
formation of documents
The ability to generate a document (invoice or act) should be available to each student in the client's card. If we remove this transition from...
1 answer
Evaluate the revision with Nova Poshta "Sending documents"
We have integration with new mail, there are sending types I googled and found that in NP there is a send type "documents" How much wil...
1 answer
deliveryNoteBarcode_svg document template variable error
When trying to add the deliveryNoteBarcode_svg or deliveryNoteBarcode_ean13 variable to the template https://adapter.crm-onebox.com/admin/customord...

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