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Search results for query #баланс

13 replies
17.03.2021, 18:08
Transition to stage behaves inappropriately
When moving from the "order to the supplier" stage to "all in stock", there are actions not related to the client's obligat...
1 answer
08.02.2021, 12:45
Obov'yazki client
1. Suggest, be kind, why in "Pidsumkov part of the project" https://prnt.sc/yp3z8b Written: "Customer Obligations (BALANCE)"? -...
3 answer
04.02.2021, 12:04
Affiliate bonus is not displayed in the "My balance" section
Good afternoon. Please see why the affiliate bonus is not displayed in the "My balance" section https://prnt.sc/y968pa login ceo@giftstor...
How the Balance report works
Good afternoon. Tell me where the value comes from in the Balance report, for the fields: Debt to suppliers Buyer's advance Supplier prepayment
1 answer
11.01.2021, 13:37
How to get a balance for a client with privat24 for business
Now I’ve set it up so that payments are pulled from private and distributed to clients, if the client is not found, create it, the question is how ...
1 answer
28.11.2020, 21:38
Negative balance
Order https://vzuto.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/issue/170300/edit/ when going to the stage, we get an error, please proceed https://prnt.sc/vr...
2 answer
19.11.2020, 13:37
Negative balance
In order https://vzuto.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/droperi/167732/edit/ Cannot go to the "sent" stage, where the write-off occurs, w...
4 answer
06.11.2020, 13:05
Balance for the period
Good day How does the "balance for the period" block work in contact cards? And to the smut: why is the color of both greens and addition...
1 answer
16.10.2020, 10:25
Adjustment of the balance (obligations) between me and the client/supplier
When entering data into OneBox for the first time, it is necessary to adjust the balance between us and our counterparties. For example, we owe the...
7 replies
03.10.2020, 16:05
Counterparty balance adjustment
When entering data into OneBox for the first time, it is necessary to adjust the balance between us and our counterparties. For example, we owe the...

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