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Search results for query #адрес

Not registered Customer's address from the order in the card was written in front
Not registered Address of the client from the order in the card Order https://rovo.org.ua/admin/customorder/order/977234/edit/ May buti Pavlograd, ...
9 replies
13.11.2020, 13:03
when filling in the Address field, you have to spend extra time filling in the checkbox that the address is the main one
Hello, we have an inconvenience that we have to spend extra time on, it’s not at all clear why they did it and I think it’s more of a bug and not a...
14 replies
10.11.2020, 11:46
Why does it give an error? should match ^$|\d{5} - after all, the address for Ukrposhta is written correctly?
Writes an error: ------------------------------------ An error has occurred. An error occurred while creating the recipient address. Postcode 14013...
8 replies
Email address in public matters
Good afternoon! I just noticed that in all public matters an email is published. Please delete, and you can configure that this information is not ...
we cannot add/change the address (field Address (user.user_address)) in the contact card
gives an error message. When we try to add the Address to the empty field, then when typing letters after the first character set, it stops typing ...
3 answer
18.10.2020, 13:30
Google Address - Selective Paste
Please add the ability to insert only part of the address in the additional field of the process. https://prnt.sc/v1m0xg Now there is a hint for Go...
Address copy fix doesn't work
Previously, they did a revision, I have the number 2014789246 recorded The bottom line was that if you copy the order through the standard "co...
2015639810 - Improved integration with Omniva delivery service
- in the integration settings (the Omniva Delivery Service application in the OneBox market), the ability to set the default weight of the package ...
4 answer
16.09.2020, 18:52
Data format of Ukrposhta addresses when importing an order with prom.ua
The automatic action to create a ttn of Ukrposhta works only in the format required by the box Index, City, street, house number, apartment number ...
2014793981 - Completion of the block "Search for a client"
It became possible to search by region in the process interface, for this, the “address” field was added to the “customer search” interface block. ...

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