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Search results for query #справочник

12 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
02.10.2020, 14:05
API request from a Business Process with the result recorded in an additional field/fields.
There was a need to get the number of the Nova Poshta branch and the city of Delivery from the online store on the CS Cart engine. Tell me, is ther...
2015586522 - Completion of the automatic action "Create a task depending on the date in the contact card"
For the automatic action once a day "Create a task depending on the date in the contact card", the ability to specify an additional field...
1 answer
21.01.2020, 11:10
It is necessary to make it not escape or save without these characters, or somewhere to display a notification that such a character is prohibited (for example, when saving)
https://box.collarexpress.com.ua/admin/ Now, if in the directory if the field contains a value with the symbol "" , when searching, Ajax ...
2015331240 - Improvement of the BP action “Change the legal entity of the process”
For the BP action “Change the legal entity of the process”, the ability to specify an additional process field with the “Contact Directory” type ha...
2 answer
05.12.2019, 11:05
Make multilingual for directories
Now all reference books created through the Object Builder have only one version for all languages. Also, a single version has a system directory F...
Sorting processes with an additional field
There is an additional field with the contact directory type, in the list processes it displays correctly - the name of the clients, but when you s...

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