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Search results for query #бизнес процесс

4 answer
22.01.2021, 19:53
BUG does not work stage change action.
Here is the action which does not work. At the stage "No payment", there are no actions prohibiting the transition However, there are o...
1 answer
19.01.2021, 17:26
Business process groups crashed
https://prnt.sc/x80xx4 Groups disappeared or fled. Help fix?
Supplier order not working
When you click on "Invitation to the leader" all buttons are blocked and nothing happens. Please correct.
4 answer
04.12.2020, 10:03
Responsible person removed (field "Responsible (order.order_managerid)"=0)
Hello. From time to time we encounter the following problem: in some bp, the responsible one is deleted. Moreover, it does not change to another, n...
2 answer
17.11.2020, 10:16
transition error
Hello, please specify the reason and solution for the error occurs when trying to go to the stage in BP https://box.optodess.com.ua/admin/shop/wo...
5 replies
19.10.2020, 19:12
Action not working
In the task http://ukrpromspec.onebox-system.com/admin/customorder/project/109120/edit/ at the stage "Order in progress" there is an acti...
2 answer
16.10.2020, 10:16
How to ship a phantom product
An order has been created in which a phantom product is specified. You need to download this product. However, the system does not allow shipment d...
4 answer
06.10.2020, 15:51
Inaccuracy in action at the stage of the business process
Please take for improvement and make a free revision of the action at the stage of the business process "Check free reserve for process produc...
7 replies
06.10.2020, 09:10
Incorrect execution of an action at the BP stage
Good afternoon! There is a BP setting at the "New" stage - switching to the "Not enough goods" status if the reserve is not eno...
1 answer
Bug after update on MVP
In the business processes of study 1, study 2, study 3 - the automatic action for crediting the payment at the stage "paid in cash" does ...

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