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Search results for query #хорошоп

4 answer
13.10.2020, 10:43
Compliance with the method of payment and delivery in vanbox and wellp
How can I set up the Correspondence of the payment method and delivery in the vanbox and well, I did not find this in the standard settings.
Change server ip address
good afternoon. you need to change the ip on our server, to this one or this one because it looks like the old ip is blo...
It takes a long time to import orders from Horosop
Recently, orders from Horoshop are transmitted every half an hour - an hour, although earlier orders came in every 5 minutes. In automation, this p...
24 answer
17.09.2020, 07:34
Integration with Horosop
Good afternoon! How to set up retail prices for goods from the box in Horoshop? It is not required to upload a model range, filters, characteristic...
7 replies
07.09.2020, 17:38
Integration with Horosop
Good afternoon! Order statuses are not updated in Horosop What could be the problem?
4 answer
04.09.2020, 10:30
Well, goods and leftovers are not imported
Well, I connect the integration - the token is working - orders come, but it is not possible to import leftovers and goods, there is an automatic a...

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