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Search results for query #отчёт

5 replies
07.05.2021, 10:59
Discounts in reports
https://vuuoksa-home.crm-onebox.com/ The sales report does not take into account the amount of the discount on the product in the margin. And the w...
Error in the ordered report
I ordered the creation of a sales report for a selected period. At first everything worked correctly, but then the report stopped showing the corre...
7 replies
26.04.2021, 12:18
ROAS report.
Does OneBox have a ROAS report (Return on Ad Investment by Source/Channel)?
2 answer
20.04.2021, 11:11
Denials in reports
Sales reports include orders with "cancelled" status - https://vuuoksa-home.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/report/sales/?filtermanagerid=&am...
6 replies
Wrong value. Product sales report.
The report on the sale of products does not show the price for which the product was sold, but the cost in the product card. As a result, if you ap...
1 answer
Correct the description of the column within the Report
There is such a report https://lululoyalty.crm-onebox.com/admin/report/desiner/4/view/ based on the "Product sales report by category tree&quo...
1 answer
Add additional options in the Sales report
1 answer
16.03.2021, 09:47
Add columns to the "Inventory Forecast and Goods Order" report
There is a report - , the following columns are available for output in it - , is it possible to add columns here Product SKU and Product Additio...
2 answer
12.03.2021, 13:02
Incorrectly displays the values of the designer's report Table of tasks/orders/projects
Good afternoon. The report is set up here https://crm.hlr.ua/admin/report/desiner/10/view/, grouping by the additional field https://prnt.sc/10jmjd...
7 replies
12.03.2021, 08:48
"Sales Report". The block about the client is not unloaded
Good afternoon! Problem with unloading the built-in report called "Sales Report". When setting up the report, I select the necessary data...

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