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Search results for query #martimyanov

6 replies
Linking TM Magio
In binding by TM MAGIO, errors are shown, all positions are shown, tell me what to do? The articles are different, the names are different, but all...
2 answer
Selecting all items does not select all items
Hello, when we go to the list of products and, for example, select a filter - in stock, without a category, a specific supplier, in the search on t...
6 replies
Error with email IMAP integration
Mail rushtobuy.kharkov@yandex.ru before that everything was ok, nothing changed. The password is correct. What to do?
5 replies
Delete all positions of the supplier with which we no longer work
Hello, please tell me how to delete all the positions of a supplier with whom we no longer work. The supplier was deleted, the positions in the bin...
3 answer
1.Why, when loading the price list, positions are duplicated (3,4 single) in the binding column on the right? 2. How to quickly find all duplicate ...
4 answer
When linking "misunderstanding"
Hello, the situation is as follows: we loaded the supplier, fully worked it out (uploaded, linked, categories, brands scattered), in a week we upda...
14 replies
Integration not working
Letters coming to the mailbox asu@scoma.ru are not converted into requests based on a letter in CPM, although the integration is configured, the ac...

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