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Export data to MySQL database

Good day,
I need functionality similar to exporting data in Google Sheets, but with the ability to export directly to a MySQL database located on a web server.
Could you please provide an estimate of the scope of work to implement this solution? Let me know if additional details are needed.
I am waiting for your assessment.
Original question is available on version: ua


Good day. Please clarify what entities you want to export? What task do you want to perform with this data?
03.02.2025, 13:05
Original comment available on version: ru

Good afternoon.

You need to export data about processes that are currently being sent to Google Sheets (screenshot attached), as well as contact information.

Once exported, this data will be used for analysis in Metabase.

Let me know if you need any additional details.
05.02.2025, 07:53
Original comment available on version: ua

You can do an action similar to Export processes to Google tables. Only additionally there will be settings for connecting to the MySQL database. Accordingly, we will connect to the database and insert/update data in the specified table. Specify, do you want to upload the process products to which separate table or how to store them there? For example, in the upload to Google tables there are options to upload 1 line as a process product or as a process, but since we will have a database, it became possible to upload products and their additional fields to a separate table, for example.
05.02.2025, 12:42
Original comment available on version: ru

Thanks for the clarification.
I need the data structure in MySQL to be convenient for analysis in Metabase. Am I understanding correctly that it is possible to create a separate table for processes, a separate one for process products, and a separate table for customers, with additional fields for all tables? If so, then this option seems logical.
If there are any recommendations for a structure that would be more efficient for further work with the data, I would be happy to consider them.
07.02.2025, 07:40
Original comment available on version: ua

Yes, we can upload process products to separate tables, processes to separate tables, and clients themselves to separate tables, linking all entities by IDs. I will give you the opportunity to independently write in which tables and which fields to upload which entities in action. The action will take about 12 hours. As a result, you will be able to make a "copy" of the box data on orders in the database you need for subsequent analysis of this data.
Issue an invoice?
07.02.2025, 12:49
Original comment available on version: ru

Yes, please bill me.
In the table below I have indicated what data I need now.
09.02.2025, 23:12
Original comment available on version: ua

I don't have access to private tables, make it public
10.02.2025, 12:10
Original comment available on version: ru

I shared the link. Please take a look.
If it's PostgreSQL instead of MySQL, will the price be the same?
10.02.2025, 21:00
Original comment available on version: ua

1. Why are the products in the Order table?
2. What is the warehouse table? Translated, it means warehouses, but above we did not discuss the transfer of any warehouse balances or warehouses - I was evaluating the transfer of only process products, customer, and process information.
3. If the database is PostgreSQL, the assessment is the same, provided that there is only one DB. That is, for the same assessment I will not do both mysql and postgre
11.02.2025, 12:16
Original comment available on version: ru

The bill amount is satisfactory, but I don't fully understand what I'll get at the end.

Could you call me so we can quickly discuss these issues? We can correspond in Telegram and arrange a call.

The database will be PostgreSQL. I will provide the domain and user.

Currently, analytics are happening as indicated in the screenshot in the app.
11.02.2025, 14:29
Original comment available on version: ua

Grechukha Dmitro Sergiyovich wrote:
The sum is overwhelming, otherwise I don’t understand until the end what I take away at the exit.

I will finalize the action, it will contain:
1. Fields for IP and access to the database + the name of the database to which the information must be uploaded
2. Settings with a choice of which table and which field in the specified database to write information about the order, order products, and client
3. Selecting the statuses in which to unload processes.
After configuration, the action will be launched once per hour and will unload processes in the selected BPs to the third-party database in the fields specified in the settings. Thus, you will receive a "copy" of the specified data (about the order, client, order products) in the third-party database.
If something from the above is not clear, you can clarify it here in text mode.
11.02.2025, 15:11
Original comment available on version: ru

Thanks for the reply.
I paid the bill.
From what is written above, everything seems to fit. The only thing that is not clear is how I will link the data of different tables? Will there be such a possibility?
14.02.2025, 13:23
Original comment available on version: ua

Grechukha Dmitro Sergiyovich wrote:
The only thing that didn’t understand is how I’m going to knit these different tablets? Will there be such a possibility?

we have our own order and customer identifiers. Accordingly, you make columns in the necessary tables, for example, oneboxid, and we insert our id into this oneboxid in the order and then, during the next update, we search for this record by it. The same situation with process products, for example - there will be columns oneboxorderid oneboxproductid and I will write my product id into oneboxproductid and the order id into oneboxorderid. Accordingly, I will be able to update records by these same ids.
14.02.2025, 13:28
Original comment available on version: ru

in which column to insert our order, product, client identifier will naturally be in the form of a setting.
14.02.2025, 13:29
Original comment available on version: ru

Thanks for the answer. Now everything seems to be clear.
I confirm the technical specifications.
When can we expect it to be implemented?
14.02.2025, 13:40
Original comment available on version: ua

I think it will be in a few weeks. I will write in this thread when everything is ready.
14.02.2025, 13:41
Original comment available on version: ru

Good day. The revision has been uploaded. Action once per hour "Export processes to the PostgreSQL database". If something is unclear about the settings - write, I will help within the framework of this task.
19.02.2025, 14:21
Original comment available on version: ru

Good day,

Tried to configure the update. Data is not being uploaded.

Please check. https://ceylon.crm-onebox.com/

Also, please let me know if I need to create tables and table structure for correct upload?
28.02.2025, пятница, 11:48
Original comment available on version: ua

Yes, it is necessary that ALL fields that you specify in "Field in database" and all tables that you specify were created. That is, the action does not update the structure of your database
вчера, 12:10
Original comment available on version: ru

Made it, but it doesn't export.
Can you check the settings?
вчера, 16:03
Original comment available on version: ua

1. Each table id does not need to have "Update value" set. This is a unique identifier, it will not change and does not need to be updated.
2. "Configuring the unloading of information about process products into separate tables". There is a concept of a product and there is a process product. There may be a product with id=10 and the name "Petrushka". It can be added to an order with id=15 twice. Accordingly, you should have an orderproducts table with the fields orderproductid orderid productid count so that you can insert 2 records with different orderproductid for one order (the product can be added to the order twice).
3. For some reason you unload the process ID into two different fields.
Everything else seems okay, I launched the action - it works and it clearly unloads something
вчера, 16:30
Original comment available on version: ru

I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but the tables remain empty.
вчера, 17:30
Original comment available on version: ua

Let's start by loading data into one table, for example, customers.

This table has all the entities specified in the "Export processes..." action created: customerid, name, email, phone, created_at.

We need to verify that the data is being successfully uploaded. So far, the customers table has no data.
вчера, 23:31
Original comment available on version: ua

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